Creativity and Vulnerability

I sup­pose when­ever a per­son presents a cre­ative work to the world, they feel vul­ner­a­ble. You’ve put your spirit, your soul, your vision into it, and you hope that at least some peo­ple will find it beau­ti­ful, or mean­ing­ful, or at least enter­tain­ing.  And if it’s a mem­oir, you’re even more exposed.  At least that’s the way I was feel­ing the past few weeks as my book was com­ing into print.

So I felt for­tu­nate to open The Oprah Mag­a­zine today and see an arti­cle on vul­ner­a­bil­ity.  In it, Dr. Brene Brown writes that vulnerability–being brave enough to “show up and let our­selves be seen”–is the cat­a­lyst for human con­nec­tion and a way to live a whole-hearted life.  In other words, the risk is worth it.  I didn’t know all this when I wrote the book; I just fol­lowed my instinc­tive desire to write it.  But, as a result, I’m find­ing that my con­ver­sa­tions with peo­ple are indeed deeper and richer.  I guess that at 72–or any age–you’re not too old to finally be open and authen­tic. And you don’t have to write a book to do it.


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