About Karen Leahy

authorKaren Leahy is happy to be alive and pub­lish­ing her first book at age 72. She is a senior edi­tor at Dun­ton Pub­lish­ing, free­lance writer and edi­tor and some­times poet. An Ohio native, she now lives close enough to New York City to enjoy its arts, cul­ture, food and energy with her cul­tured, food-loving boyfriend and spir­ited friends.

Ser­vices Available

Writer/Writing Coach

Con­tact me for:

  • Quick, expert writ­ing for your project
  • Help­ing you express your ideas in words
  • Get­ting past writ­ers’ block
  • Writ­ing your own story.

Free­lance Editor

Your arti­cle, blog post, man­u­script or the­sis is fin­ished, but you want a pro­fes­sional eye to check gram­mar, punc­tu­a­tion, orga­ni­za­tion, flow…?  I’ve helped many writ­ers, whether Eng­lish was their first lan­guage or not, and would be happy to help you.


I’m an enthu­si­as­tic, artic­u­late speaker who con­nects eas­ily with audi­ences.  I’d be happy to talk to your orga­ni­za­tion, women’s group (or men’s!), book group, church, etc. about:

  • How Telling My Father’s Story Trans­formed Our Relationship
  • Leav­ing Your Life Story for Your Chil­dren and Grandchildren
  • Across the The­o­log­i­cal Sky: From Catholic Nun to Sec­u­lar Humanist
  • What Lights You Up?—The Path to Self-Realization